A warning sign with part of the planet in it
Traveling for: On hold
Currently in: Seattle, USA
Next stop: Unknown


Turpan - Aug 25, 2013 Chain link

Appreciate and protect the grapes

Khajuraho - Nov 14, 2013 Chain link

Non rooms

Lijiang - Apr 12, 2013 Chain link

Sings of lijiang

Shanghai - Apr 28, 2013 Chain link

Me holding sign to help earthquake victims  i think

Chengdu - Apr 21, 2013 Chain link

The bar this was in was decorated like a jazz bar with old western hints and random aspects of kitch.

Annapurna - Oct 9, 2013 Chain link

Bathroom hygiene

Lombok - Oct 12, 2012 Chain link

Super magic mushrooms

Kashgar - Aug 30, 2013 Chain link

You're not allowed to take photographs at border crossings, especially not ones involving China, but this one was too good to pass up so I snuck a photo with my phone.

Nara - May 27, 2013 Chain link

Funny sign in nara

Taipei Returns - Jun 12, 2013 Chain link

Attention the gangster may use the english operation interfact to cheat you

Annapurna - Oct 9, 2013 Chain link

Bathroom hygiene

Shwedagon - Jan 6, 2013 Chain link

According to the official Myanmar customs document it is also illegal to enter the country with Fire Arms

Hohhot - Aug 18, 2013 Chain link

Caution do not lie prone

Tana Toraja - Oct 28, 2012 Chain link

Rantepao internet cafe and laundry and library and juice

Shangri-La - Apr 17, 2013 Chain link

No flaming cars

Hong Kong - Jun 14, 2013 Chain link

Hung fat pawn shop

Chinese Nature Signs - Jun 25, 2013 Chain link

Chinese translation

Zhangye Danxia Wonders - Aug 20, 2013 Chain link

Take the path along the cliff wrestling on the way to go to ensure safety

Khajuraho - Nov 14, 2013 Chain link

Sweet hut

Bundi - Jan 22, 2014 Chain link

Sustain your heritage and feel glorious

Kuala Lumpur - Nov 19, 2012 Chain link

I found this sign to be more provoking than anything, not that you have much control on a speeding train...

Mandalay - Jan 9, 2013 Chain link

If I knew a young boy I would have totally stolen this sign for the door to his room.

Hue - Feb 20, 2013 Chain link

Nurse grabbing her boob sign

Signs - Apr 25, 2013 Chain link

Heritage hands off

Murun - Aug 8, 2013 Chain link

Smoking it's not cool

Turpan - Aug 24, 2013 Chain link

No smorking

Annapurna - Oct 7, 2013 Chain link

Not an actual Applebees
Bathroom hygiene

Manali - Nov 24, 2013 Chain link

I think I understand what I'm supposed to do...

Antalya - Apr 13, 2014 Chain link

Cat sign

Gunung Palung - Nov 7, 2012 Chain link

Pontianak sign

Sibu - Dec 10, 2012 Chain link

Littering sign at sibu park

Brunei - Dec 12, 2012 Chain link

Sign in brunei youth hostel

Tiger Leaping Gorge - Apr 13, 2013 Chain link

Insert card for power

Haba - Apr 15, 2013 Chain link

We are entitled to raise interest rates

Tainan - Jun 9, 2013 Chain link

Stop  crab face

Hong Kong - Jun 17, 2013 Chain link

No fun

Annapurna - Oct 9, 2013 Chain link

Bathroom hygiene

Ilam - Oct 29, 2013 Chain link

Your choice fancy store

Gangtok - Nov 1, 2013 Chain link

Take care of your cloths

Pelling - Nov 3, 2013 Chain link

He that plants trees loves others besides himself

Sanliurfa - Apr 21, 2014 Chain link

Love you

Brunei - Dec 12, 2012 Chain link

Sign in brunei bathroom

Puerto Princesa - Dec 28, 2012 Chain link

Funny sign in puerto princesa

Da Lat - Mar 3, 2013 Chain link

Saw this sign outside the bathroom at a rest stop between Saigon and Da Lat.

Signs - Apr 23, 2013 Chain link

No tossing

Chengdu Take Two - Jun 28, 2013 Chain link

Eighteen in vanilla ditch

Sainshand - Jul 18, 2013 Chain link

Interesting condom poster

Dunhuang - Aug 23, 2013 Chain link

Actually a restaurant

Turpan - Aug 25, 2013 Chain link

Notes to crusty pancake pit

Murghab - Sep 13, 2013 Chain link

Pole with internet written on it
Rap hip hop stile

Annapurna - Oct 7, 2013 Chain link

Yac donalds
Bathroom hygiene

Manali - Nov 23, 2013 Chain link

I get that a lot...

Dharamsala - Nov 30, 2013 Chain link

Speed km blow horn use dipper at night

Kelimutu - Oct 22, 2012 Chain link

Funny menu equation

Singapore - Nov 13, 2012 Chain link

Singapore subway sign gallery

Kapit - Dec 7, 2012 Chain link

Some people look for Agoda or TripAdvisor stickers on a place to stay. I look for signs like this. After staying at that place I'm gonna start looking for ones with "No cockroach" signs as well...

Sagada - Dec 16, 2012 Chain link

Barber shop slash shoe repair

Batad - Dec 19, 2012 Chain link

Tricycle taxi text

Mandalay - Jan 8, 2013 Chain link

Sign outside the royal palace in mandalay
Junction bathroom

Hanoi - Mar 12, 2013 Chain link

Poster in vietnamese womans museum

Sapa - Mar 17, 2013 Chain link

Laundry clother blanket shoes immediately motorbike rental

Shangri-La - Apr 17, 2013 Chain link

Photo actually taken in Lijiang old town.

Signs - Apr 23, 2013 Chain link

Stop tourist
No burning
Fire hydra ant
Be careful of chothes sandwhich

Beijing - May 3, 2013 Chain link

Four star rated bathroom

Hong Kong - Jun 17, 2013 Chain link

Litter cum recycleables

Chengdu Take Two - Jun 25, 2013 Chain link

Incorrect chinese translation
Consumption is your right
Foams confession

Ulanhot - Jul 8, 2013 Chain link

Care for plants

Chinese Nature Signs - Jul 9, 2013 Chain link

The grass has the life you please to remain blue
Be aware of fire in green sea

Murghab - Sep 14, 2013 Chain link

Old door with  on it

Manali - Nov 24, 2013 Chain link

Best under extreme conditons
This sign strikes me as so passive-aggressive. But I suppose it starts with Bro, so what do I expect?

Bir - Nov 28, 2013 Chain link

Nothing like anything

North Israel - Mar 20, 2014 Chain link

Danger mines

Izmir - Apr 1, 2014 Chain link

No falling off stairs

Bodrum - Apr 6, 2014 Chain link

Dont fall off torret

Batad - Dec 18, 2012 Chain link

The bus terminal to banaue

Quang Ngai - Feb 7, 2013 Chain link

No town sign
The strut inferred by the man's long gate and the position of his cane which indicates that it's simply a stylish affectation and the woman's handbag which implies that they're not mountain climbers in the middle of a trek can only lead to the conclusion that this is a pimp crossing sign.

Kunming - Apr 11, 2013 Chain link

Chinese snickers

Shangri-La - Apr 17, 2013 Chain link

Wizardly yak sign

Signs - Apr 23, 2013 Chain link

No striding
No stinking

Shanghai - Apr 28, 2013 Chain link

Dairy queen in shanghai
Kfc in shanghai

Beijing - Apr 30, 2013 Chain link

One way
Help protect the railings
A step up closer helps keep it cleaner

Kyoto - May 25, 2013 Chain link

Rest room western style
So I dropped a duce and stole the light bulb. Nah, I'm just kidding.

Hong Kong - Jun 17, 2013 Chain link

Travel safe

Chengdu Take Two - Jun 25, 2013 Chain link

Correct chinese sign translation

Nanjing - Jul 5, 2013 Chain link

Please hold the handrail

Chinese Nature Signs - Jul 9, 2013 Chain link

A compassion grass piece
Give your friendliness take my smile
Hold your hand and the flowers will always be fragrant
Front the dangerous tourist halts
Easy to ruin hard to recover
Cheris grass never tread it
Fumerolic dish
Love the forest and show your virtue
Danger in rock climbing cheris your life
The elimination fire directs the trouble construction harmonious society
The protection ecological environment altogether creates the happy homeland
Pays attention shows loving concern the life safely
Forbids to pick the flowers and plants trees
Forest is the creator of lives while fire is the terminator
Leave a clear road take a whole body joy
Fire of the stay may set the prairie afire

Sainshand - Jul 18, 2013 Chain link

Skytel it's different

Zhangye Danxia Wonders - Aug 20, 2013 Chain link

Carrying  people please be careful though
Do not waik viewing viewing not walk

Dunhuang - Aug 23, 2013 Chain link

Beware of wet floor

Dharan - Oct 26, 2013 Chain link

Chicken human style

Pelling - Nov 3, 2013 Chain link

Love nature

Izmir - Apr 3, 2014 Chain link

I heart karsiyaka